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PCPI History

The Philippine Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (PCPI) continues to be at the vanguard of efforts to address the challenges facing the local pharmaceutical industry.  It  stands tall as the major voice of the Filipino-owned pharmaceutical  companies in the gridiron of health care.


The PCPI, in fact, opened the gateway for Filipino drug manufacturers and producers to be at par with its international competitors in quality but affordable medicines.  It has successfully unriveted what used to hedge the landscape of expensive drugs monopoly in the county, thereby, opening the floodgates to more affordable quality medicines.


In collaboration with the government, the PCPI ensured that more and more Filipinos benefit from the remarkably  low price of medicines in the market. Some local companies have joined and complied with the Government Mediated Access Price (GMAP) for cheaper medicines as part of their commitment under the UN Millennium Development Goals.


As competition for the provision of medicine and related health products intensify in today’s global environment, the PCPI has assumed the lead role to ensure the competitiveness of local pharmaceutical companies worldwide.


The PCPI was born in March 2004  when the country’s four major pharmaceutical organizations decided to merge into one cohesive group that would serve as its sole voice in Philippine business.  These four national groups were:  Chamber of Filipino Drug Manufacturers and Distributors, Inc.  (CFDMD), Association of Drug Industries of the Philippines (ADIP), Filipino Drug Association (FIDA), and Association of Philippine Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (APPMAN).


The merger came at the most auspicious of times, as the Philippines continued to struggle to bring affordable and quality health care to all Filipinos nationwide.  Part of this struggle was to provide medicines with which to treat the more common diseases and whose prices were considered one of the highest in the world.


PCPI Profile

       In March 2004, the four biggest national pharmaceutical organizations: Chamber of Filipino Drug Manufacturers and Distributors, Inc. (CFDMD), Association of Drug Industries of the Philippines (ADIP), Filipino Drug Association (FIDA) and Association of Philippine Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (APPMAN) united to be a credible voice in the Filipino Pharmaceutical Industry in a move to achieve global competitiveness.  The merger gave birth to the Philippine Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Inc. (PCPI).


The Identity

        In 2005, PCPI is the recognized sole and legitimate representative of the Filipino Pharmaceutical Industry.  By its unity, it has successfully organized itself to promote the Filipino patient’s health interest, further a thriving Filipino pharmaceutical industry for national good and to meet the global challenges that confront the industry.


The Voice

        PCPI has since become the voice of the Filipino Pharmaceutical Industry.  Through the collective efforts of its members, PCPI takes the lead in opening up opportunities for growth and hurdling challenges in the Philippine pharmaceutical industry.  It is the venue to learn, share best practices and build relations for the benefit of the industry and the businesses within the industry.


The Future

        Today, PCPI takes the lead in equipping its members and customers, building a supportive business environment and  in delivering differentiated and cost effective products.  Yes, in PCPI, the Filipino’s interest is at the heart of its mission.


A  Globally Competitive Filipino Pharmaceutical  Industry


Enable the Filipino pharmaceutical industry to LEAD


Passion for excellence,
service oriented,
unity in diversity








Through PCPI’s collective efforts, it has designed strategies and programs that seek to achieve its mission and vision.

 The result of which is a healthy Filipino citizenry and a thriving Filipino Pharmaceutical Industry.


Empower Members and Customers

At the forefront of PCPI’s work is creating a setting for continuous learning. By continually improving the industry’s technical capability and marketing prowess, building cooperation and friendship within the organization and the bringing together of PCPI members to reduce cost of research and product development, members are equipped to meet the global challenges it faces.



















Build a supportive business environment

A strong partnership with medical and allied professions, government agencies and other relevant stakeholders will pave the way to a supportive business environment that will allow market forces to make medicines more affordable to benefit the Filipino by providing a credible alternative. 

Deliver differentiated and cost effective products

PCPI encourages its members to stand out in the industry. Through its various programs PCPI empowers its members to excel by bringing deliver-differentiated and cost effective products to the market successfully.  

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